PROJECTNonprofit Trends and Impacts Study

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  • Publications and Data


    Government Grants and Contracts for Nonprofits in 2023: Data Tables from the Nonprofit Trends and Impacts Study
    Tables that show data on the percentages of nonprofits that received government grants and contracts across the US and by region, size, subsector, and state, and the percentages of revenue coming from government sources across the US and by region, size, subsector and state.

    Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021–2023: National Findings on Government Grants and Contracts from 2019 to 2023
    A brief on trends in government grants and contracts awarded to nonprofits. It explores the percentage of nonprofits that discussed grants and contracts with government officials; the percentage that sought, applied for, and received grants; and the portion of their revenue that came from government sources.

    Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021–2023: National Findings on Nonprofit Civic Engagement from 2019 to 2023
    A brief on ways nonprofits participated in civic engagement, including advocacy, public education, and nonpartisan voter engagement.

    Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021–2023: National Findings on Nonprofits’ Contact with Agencies That Regulate Charities from 2022 to 2023
    A brief on ways nonprofits engaged with agencies that regulate charities, including whether nonprofits contacted these agencies, at what level, and for what reason.

    Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021: National Findings on Diversity and Representation, Donation Trends from 2015–2020, and Effects of 2020
    The first report from our nationally representative survey provides important data on geographic and demographic characteristics of the people and communities nonprofits serve and the demographic diversity and representation of their staff and leadership. It also examines how organizations of different sizes, subsectors, and geographic contexts have been affected by recent donation trends and by the events of 2020.

    Findings on US Donation Trends, 2015–2020: Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021
    A fact sheet on how donations to nonprofits changed between 2015 and 2020.

    National Findings on Diversity and Representation in the Nonprofit Sector: Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021
    A fact sheet on the demographic characteristics of the communities that nonprofits serve, nonprofit boards, and nonprofit executive directors.


    National Survey of Nonprofit Trends and Impacts Public Use Files
    Datasets containing deidentified data from the National Survey of Nonprofit Trends and Impacts.