Brief Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021–2023: National Findings on Nonprofits’ Contact with Agencies That Regulate Charities from 2022 to 2023
Hannah Martin, Elizabeth T. Boris, Laura Tomasko, Cindy M. Lott, Jesse Lecy, Lewis Faulk, Mirae Kim
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Regulatory agencies responsible for the oversight of charitable organizations, defined as the Internal Revenue Service, state attorneys general, secretaries of state, and other state and local charities-regulation officials, play an important role in ensuring nonprofits serve the public good. This, in turn, builds public trust in nonprofits, which often rely on the public for donations, volunteers, and engagement. 

This brief sheds light on ways nonprofits engaged with agencies that regulate charities, including whether nonprofits contacted these agencies, at what level, and for what reason. It is part of the Nonprofit Trends and Impacts Study.

Research and Evidence Research to Action Technology and Data
Expertise Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Research Methods Data analysis Data collection Quantitative data analysis
Tags Nonprofit data and statistics Nonprofit sector trends
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