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    Practice briefs and tools

    Nonprofit leaders need more resources about the early stages of performance measurement programs and about how to overcome the practical challenges they will face as they build their programs. Complementing the community of practice, the Measure4Change team has published a series of practice briefs and blog posts that explain key concepts and address relevant topics in performance measurement.

    Centering Racial Equity in Measurement and Evaluation
    Explores how racial equity and inclusion can strengthen nonprofits’ measurement and evaluation work and how measurement and evaluation help nonprofits identify inequities and use data to improve the operationalization of REI practices.

    Data Collection and Reporting Guidance for the Full-Service Community Schools Program
    The guidance document underscores the importance of results-based planning and continuous improvement, emphasizing the use of real-time data to inform decision-making and drive change. It equips grantees with the tools and methodologies necessary to establish a robust reporting system. While tailored to the specific needs of the FSCS grantees, the recommendations outlined in the guidance document hold relevance for other place-based initiatives seeking to improve educational outcomes.

    Measure4Change Playbook
    The Measure4Change Performance Measurement Playbook is designed to help nonprofit organizations increase their performance measurement capacity with practical recommendations and strategies. Organizations can use this tool to build a learning culture, develop performance measurement tools, collect data, manage data, and communicate their findings.

    A New Model for Growing Impact: Measure4Change and Nonprofit Performance Management
    A description of the Measure4Change model—a mixture of deep-dive coaching, grant support, peer learning, and practice-oriented briefs—and reflection on lessons learned from the first cohort.

    Strategies for Cultivating an Organizational Learning Culture
    For nonprofit practitioners seeking to strategies to cultivate a learning culture within their organizations.

    Starting Small and Thinking Long Term: Q&A with Performance Measurement and Evaluation Professionals
    Three nonprofit performance measurement staff who have been navigating their positions within the Washington, DC, area for several years share lessons learned and tips for getting started and growing.

    Navigating Performance Management Software Options
    A selection guide for service-delivering nonprofits seeking a software solution.

    Expanding Audience and Impact: Nonprofits Communicating Data to External Audiences
    Examples and strategies to effectively communicate program data with external stakeholders such as policymakers, funders, and clients.

    Performance Measurement to Evaluation
    Introducing the performance measurement–evaluation continuum: from using performance measurement and formative evaluation to improve and refine programs, to summative evaluation to determine impact of selected programs.

    Urban Wire blog posts

    Is evaluation valuable for every nonprofit?

    Selected resources

    Getting started

    Selecting outcomes

    Setting performance targets

    Collecting data 

    Performing analysis

    Managing organizational culture, staff engagement, and continuous improvement

    Communicating with external audiences

    Governing and securing data

    Moving toward evaluation