Urban–Greater DC seeks to inform policy debate and decisionmaking to address persistent inequalities and improve economic mobility and access to opportunity in the District of Columbia and the Washington region.
Our Vision for the Region
- Building strong, inclusive neighborhoods
- Strengthening public education and the labor force
- Advancing racial equity
- Creating healthy and safe communities
- Meeting basic needs
Our Story
The District of Columbia is the seat of the federal government and the anchor for a large, diverse, and economically vibrant region.
With our partners and neighbors, we work to ensure that the region’s newfound prosperity and success reach all residents and that the opportunities of growth are shared equitably.
The Urban Institute has strong roots in the DC region, our home base for over 50 years. Through deep local and regional partnerships, we share and apply knowledge, elevate debate, and generate solutions that improve lives and create shared prosperity.
Through Urban–Greater DC, the Urban Institute is a partner in the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, representing the Washington, DC, region. NNIP helps local communities use data to shape strategies and investments so that all neighborhoods are places where people can thrive.