PROJECTCapital Flows

girl walking towards a crowd outside of a restaurant

Unequal access to capital has existed historically and continues to persist between places, groups of people, types of businesses, and type of products or purposes. Whether it is due to intentional discrimination, or a downstream result of the presence of financial institutions, regulation, credit profiles, or geography, this lack of access to financing causes substantial detriment for individuals and communities. By removing the ability to access debt, you in turn, remove the ability to generate economic growth and wealth. To address these vital disparities in any community or region, the crucial first step is to develop an understanding of where and how capital flows and gaps exist.

How do we know where capital is flowing, for what uses, and where the private market is currently failing to provide adequate financing for investable projects?








Minneapolis/St. Paul

New Orleans

Washington, DC region

National studies



Or view our additional community economic development work on Opportunity Zones and CDFIs.

Photo by Matthew Johnson

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities
Expertise Community and Economic Development Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods
Tags Capital flows