PROJECTReducing Youth Gun, Gang, and Group Violence

In 2018, the Urban Institute received funding from the National Institute of Justice and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to develop a guide for using research-based practice to reduce youth gun and gang/group violence. The products below are intended to inform local government, law enforcement, and community-violence-intervention stakeholders as they implement new strategies and refine existing ones to reduce youth gang/group and gun violence in their communities.


  1. A Research-Based Practice Guide to Reduce Youth Gun and Gang/Group Violence
    • A practice guide. The practical recommendations laid out in this guide are intended to support approaches specifically focused on reducing the number of lives lost to gun violence and keeping young people at greatest risk of becoming perpetrators or victims of gun violence alive and free from incarceration and other forms of punishment and control.
  1. Implementing Youth Violence Reduction Strategies: Findings from a Scan of Youth Gun, Group, and Gang Violence Interventions
    • A scan of practices designed to reduce violence. With input from a group of subject-matter experts advising the project, the National Institute of Justice, and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Urban identified 14 innovative violence reduction interventions. We worked with leadership from each intervention to collect program materials, observe activities, and interview intervention leadership and staff, community partners, law enforcement and justice system personnel, and program participants.
  1. Implementing Youth Violence Reduction Strategies: Findings from a Synthesis of the Literature on Gun, Group, and Gang Violence
    • A review of literature on violence reduction strategies. We identified and synthesized research on the implementation and impact of relevant violence prevention, reduction, and control strategies.
  2. Nine Strategies to Guide Efforts to Reduce Youth Gun Violence
    • A fact sheet. This fact sheet summarizes practice guide recommendations around nine practice areas related to building an infrastructure to support a multifaceted antiviolence strategy and implementing effective violence reduction programs. The recommendations are based on findings from a literature synthesis and scan of relevant antiviolence practice.
Research and Evidence Justice and Safety Family and Financial Well-Being
Tags Youth development