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Policies to Expand Equity-Oriented Affordable Housing: Opportunities and Cautions from Recent Research

Safe, stable, and dignified housing is a key social determinant of health and well-being. But ensuring that affordable housing is accessible to everyone has remained a formidable challenge for our nation. 

The Urban Institute, in collaboration with Policies for Action (P4A), a signature research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, invites you to join a robust discussion about equity-oriented affordable housing. This event will include a wide array of researchers, policymakers, advocates, and other stakeholders to explore housing policies that create meaningful impact on racial and health equity. P4A research grantees will share highlights of their latest housing policy research as a starting point for discussing what could be on the horizon for new or improved equity-oriented housing policy solutions.


Opening Remarks

  • Janneke Ratcliffe, Vice President for Housing Finance Policy, Urban Institute
  • Solomon Greene, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, US Department of Housing and Urban Development


Panel 1: Evidence on State and Local Planning Policies

  • Aaron Barrall, Housing Data Analyst, Lewis Center for Regional Policies Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Noah Kazis, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Law School
  • Noémie Sportiche, Researcher, Mathematica; Associate, Harvard University
  • Corianne Payton Scally, Senior Fellow, Research, Urban Institute (moderator)


Panel 2: Evidence on Outcomes for Households and Residents 

  • Lisa Bates, Professor of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University
  • Christopher Donald, Executive Director and CEO, DC Housing Finance Agency
  • Haydar Kurban, Professor, Department of Economics and Director, Howard University Center of Excellent in Housing & Urban Research and Policy (CHURP) 
  • Christina Plerhoples Stacy, Principal Research Associate, Urban Institute (moderator)


Panel 3: Key Insights and Reflections from the Real World 

  • Colleen Green, Director of the DC Department of Housing and Community Development, Government of the District of Columbia
  • Helen McIlvaine, Director of Housing, City of Alexandria
  • Ingris Moran, Lead Organizer, Tenants and Workers United
  • Angie Rodgers, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Economic Development, Prince George’s County
  • Michael Neal, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute (moderator)


Funding for this event was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Policies for Action program. The views expressed should not be attributed to the Foundation or to Urban Institute, its trustees, or its funders. For more on Urban’s funding policies, go to

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please email [email protected] if you require any accommodations or have any questions about this event.

Urban Institute Speakers
  • Vice President, Housing and Communities Division
  • Principal Research Associate
  • Senior Fellow
    Housing Finance Policy Center Practice Area Lead
  • Senior Fellow