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Janneke Ratcliffe
Vice President, Housing Finance Policy
Interim Vice President, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy
Housing Finance Policy Center
Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center
  • Profile
  • Outside Affiliations
  • The housing economy is undergoing complex transitions that will have lasting consequences for families, communities, the economy, and the country’s racial equity gap. Now more than ever, we need data-driven insight to navigate critical choices. HFPC and the Urban Institute are uniquely positioned to fill that need and connect finance and policy with people—for whom housing matters so much for security, opportunity, dignity, and power.

    Janneke Ratcliffe is vice president for housing finance policy and leads the Housing Finance Policy Center at the Urban Institute. Over a career that spans industry, the nonprofit sector, academic research, and the federal government, her work focuses on increasing access to financial systems that foster economic security and prosperity.

    Ratcliffe came to Urban from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, where she served as assistant director, leading its Office of Financial Education. Previously, she was executive director of the University of North Carolina Center for Community Capital, leading “transformative research on how mortgage markets and financial services can better promote financial security and economic opportunity.” Ratcliffe has also served at GE Capital Mortgage, the Center for American Progress, and Self-Help, where she was instrumental in high-impact programs in affordable and Community Reinvestment Act mortgages and community development finance. Ratcliffe serves on the National Advisory Council of the National Housing Council (for a three-year term beginning 2024) and on the Consumer Affairs Advisory Council of the Mortgage Bankers Association, Fannie Mae’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council for 2024–25, and the National Community Stabilization Trust Board of Managers. She is also a member of the Federal Housing Finance Agency Federal Advisory Committee on Affordable, Equitable, and Sustainable Housing. Ratcliffe is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she studied economics and French.

    Research Areas
    Housing finance
    Housing Finance at a Glance: A Monthly Chartbook

    Outside Affiliations
    Mortgage Bankers Association
    Member, Consumer Affairs Advisory Council
    National Community Stabilization Trust
    Member, Board of Managers
    National Housing Council
    Member, National Advisory Council

    Urban experts are permitted and empowered to work and affiliate with outside organizations, whether serving on boards, volunteering their time, or providing advice and counsel. And Urban welcomes visiting scholars, nonresident or affiliated fellows who work for other organizations. These outside affiliations enrich our perspectives and our learning environment. We also require all paid and unpaid experts to disclose their affiliations to Urban leadership and follow rules governing their engagement to ensure transparency for audiences and independence of experts.