Urban Wire It’s Not Too Late to Fix the DC Area’s Housing Problems
Margery Austin Turner
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photo of sun over DC houses

For too many DC-area families, rents and house prices are climbing out of reach. Some neighborhoods that have long been home to people with low and moderate incomes face especially steep housing cost increases and displacement. And many residents fear that, with the arrival of new businesses, jobs, and workers, these pressures will intensify and our region could become the next San Francisco or Seattle. 

But it’s not too late for Washington-area leaders to choose a different path. Local governments, business leaders, and philanthropy have an opportunity to join together, set goals, and take action to make the Washington area a national model of shared prosperity.

Doing so won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. But our region has the knowledge and resources it would take to preserve existing homes and apartments that people with low incomes can afford; produce enough new housing, especially in the middle-cost range, to keep pace with growth; and protect renters and homeowners from discrimination and involuntary displacement. 

The region’s cities and counties should adopt evidence-based policy tools to meet their fair share of regional targets. Our newly released Regional Housing Framework Analysis (supported by grants from the Greater Washington Partnership and JPMorgan Chase & Co.) highlights 12 policy tools with high potential for the Washington region. Here are three examples:

  • Local governments can offer low-cost loans for property repairs and rehabilitation so owners of low- and moderate-cost rental housing can maintain and improve their physical condition while maintaining affordability—preserving decent and affordable housing options.
  • They can implement up-zoning and other density-enabling regulations so more housing can be built at lower costs, especially in areas close to jobs—producing more housing in the middle cost range.
  • They can fund land trusts, cooperatives, and shared equity ownership to ensure that opportunities for homeownership remain affordable, even in areas with rising home prices— protecting families with lower income and wealth from displacement.

But it’s not all up to local governments—every sector has a role to play. Virginia and Maryland should provide the additional authority and funding their cities and counties need. And local businesses and philanthropy should contribute to promising public-private partnerships and most important, use their influence and convening power to build and sustain the region’s commitment.

Fortunately, we’re not starting from scratch. Leaders across the region are already taking important steps to shrink the current affordability gap, protect neighborhoods and their residents from runaway market pressures, and meet newcomers’ housing needs:

We all have an interest in getting this right. A stable home that doesn’t bust the family budget provides a foundation for children’s healthy development and adults’ economic advancement. And a healthy housing market creates wealth-building opportunities for people across the economic spectrum.

The region’s continued economic success hinges on a well-functioning housing market. Employers need a diversity of talent to fill all their positions, and attracting, developing, and retaining such a workforce depends on the availability of housing that people of all household types and incomes can afford. Moreover, a­ffordable housing close to jobs boosts workers’ reliability. And vibrant neighborhoods with plenty of housing options attract new business and residents, fueling regional growth and prosperity.


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The Urban Institute podcast, Evidence in Action, inspires changemakers to lead with evidence and act with equity. Cohosted by Urban President Sarah Rosen Wartell and Executive Vice President Kimberlyn Leary, every episode features in-depth discussions with experts and leaders on topics ranging from how to advance equity, to designing innovative solutions that achieve community impact, to what it means to practice evidence-based leadership.


Research Areas Greater DC Housing
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