Brief Serving HOST Families: The Challenges to Overcome
Molly M. Scott, Susan J. Popkin, Marla McDaniel, Priya Saxena, Reed Jordan
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HOST's diverse parents struggle with significant barriers to employment, including low levels of education and literacy, chronic mental and physical health problems, and histories of trauma and violence. As a result, many HOST parents cycle in and out of the labor market or languish in low-wage jobs. Under these circumstances, HOST families do their best to get by, but often have to make hard choices between paying rent and utilities and buying essentials like food. This brief provides an in-depth profile of HOST families to set the scene for the changes we hope to see over the demonstrations duration.

Research Areas Neighborhoods, cities, and metros Children and youth Families
Tags Economic well-being Neighborhoods and youth development Kids in context
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center