Brief Racial Inequities in Fairfax County: 2011–15
Leah Hendey, Lily Posey
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Fairfax County, Virginia, is an affluent jurisdiction, with average household incomes for every racial and ethnic group near or exceeding $100,000. But the county has underlying inequities in education, income, employment, and homeownership, particularly for Hispanic residents and immigrants. There are also clear inequities in outcomes between and within supervisor districts. This brief measures these inequities and provides a profile on what equity in Fairfax County would look like for people of color. Quantifying this information will help agencies, school board, policymakers, and advocates recognize the community’s needs and to build new solutions and create a more equitable county.

Fairfax County detailed tables

The detailed tables were updated in February 2018. The margin of error for the child poverty rate for Hispanics and Asians were incorrectly assigned on the “Income” worksheet and are now corrected. The data on the “data_ACS” worksheet remain correct.

Research Areas Neighborhoods, cities, and metros Race and equity Greater DC
Tags Racial and ethnic disparities
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center
Cities Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV