Research Report Implementing Tiny Homes as Permanent Supportive Housing
Corianne Payton Scally, Amanda Gold, Wilton Oliver, Clare Salerno
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Across the US, tiny-home communities are being piloted to house people experiencing homelessness. One new community is taking shape in Bozeman, Montana: Housing First Village. It aims to keep tenants stably housed by providing them a safe, dignified, and permanent home between 130 and 250 square feet. Partners seek to draw upon best practices to create permanent supportive housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness through a trauma-informed tiny-home community with service supports. This report covers progress during the first year of implementation, sharing lessons, reflecting on challenges, analyzing progress, and recommending areas where Housing First Village implementation could more closely align with permanent supportive housing and tiny-home models.

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities
Expertise Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Preventing and Ending Homelessness Housing Finance
Tags Homelessness Housing affordability