Brief Graphical Overview of State and Territory TANF Policies as of July 2022
Sarah Knowles, Ilham Dehry, Katie Shantz, Limor Goldsmith
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If a family needs help covering their expenses during a period of financial hardship, will they qualify for temporary cash assistance? If so, how much assistance can they receive each month, and for how long can they receive it? The answers to these questions depend not only on the family’s circumstances but also on where they live.

The primary program that provides cash aid to families in need is called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF. TANF is a block grant, meaning the federal government provides each state and territory with a set amount of money that the state or territory combines with its own funding to meet the program’s goals. Each state and territory sets its own policies for exactly who can get help, how much they can receive, and for how long. These policies can vary greatly across states and territories.

This brief provides a graphical overview of some of the TANF policy differences across states and territories in July 2022. It includes information about initial eligibility, benefit amounts, work and activity requirements, and ongoing eligibility and time limits. It is a companion to the 2022 Welfare Rules Databook, which provides more details on state and territory TANF policy variations. Both this brief and the Databook are derived from information in the full Welfare Rules Database, publicly available at

Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports Technology and Data
Expertise Families Social Safety Net
Research Methods Data analysis Data collection
Tags Poverty Families with low incomes Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Welfare and safety net programs
States All states and territories
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