Research Report Electronic Health Record Reporting Program Voluntary User-Reported Criteria
Christal Ramos, Emily M. Johnston, Fredric Blavin, Gary Ozanich, Kathy Frye
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The 21st Century Cures Act of 2016 created a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) Reporting Program to provide publicly available, comparative information on certified health IT products and improve the health IT marketplace. The program will reflect developers’ and voluntary end users’ reporting of comparative information on certified health IT. This report concludes work to develop the user criteria as an incremental step in establishing the EHR Reporting Program and includes:

  • A summary of comments received during a 60-day period during the summer of 2020 when draft user criteria were posted on the Urban Institute website for public feedback;
  • A description of revisions to the user criteria based on public feedback;
  • Options for collecting information for user criteria; and
  • The revised questionnaire for collecting information for those criteria.

The user criteria are available for adoption and use by the stakeholder community, including market and academic research entities, to improve transparency and quality in the health IT marketplace and better understand the interoperability, usability, and security of certified health IT.

Research and Evidence Health Policy Technology and Data
Expertise Research Methods and Data Analysis
Research Methods Performance measurement and management