PROJECTEHR Reporting Program


The Electronic Health Record (EHR) Reporting Program was required in Section 4002(c) of the 21st Century Cures Act. Data collected and reported under the program will address information gaps in the health IT marketplace and provide insights on how certified health IT is being used. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) contracted with the Urban Institute, and its subcontractor, HealthTech Solutions, to develop the program.

Questions on the EHR Reporting Program can be sent to [email protected].

Request for Public Feedback on Draft Developer-Reported Measures

A draft set of developer-reported measures reflects work completed by the Urban Institute and HealthTech Solutions, informed by background research, market research, and a variety of stakeholder engagements.  ONC and additional health IT measurement experts provided feedback and revisions to inform the draft developer-reported measures that certified health IT developers will be required to report upon as a condition of maintaining certification under the ONC Health IT Certification Program. The Urban Institute is seeking feedback on the draft developer measures, which you can view here. Please submit feedback on the draft developer measures to [email protected] between July 14 and September 14, 2021.

Voluntary User-Reported Criteria

Voluntary user-reported criteria are available here. These criteria were posted October 13, 2020, and informed by public feedback.

The criteria are available for adoption and use by the stakeholder community, including market and academic research entities, to improve transparency and quality in the health IT marketplace and better understand the interoperability, usability, and security of certified health IT.

Draft voluntary user-reported criteria were posted for a 60-day public feedback period June 9 through August 10, 2020.

  • The 31 public comments received are available here.
  • The request for public feedback can be viewed here.

Stakeholder Engagement, August 2018–October 2019

Development of the EHR Reporting Program is informed by a robust stakeholder engagement process, including a request for information by the ONC, public forums, listening sessions, and discussions with experts and key stakeholders, including health IT end users and developers.

  • This report summarizes stakeholder input on the EHR Reporting Program between August 2018 and October 2019.

Stakeholder engagement will continue into 2021 to inform developer-reported criteria.