Urban Institute’s Housing Justice Library is a collection of resources designed to help inform and guide a shared understanding of what housing justice is and how it is being practiced. This catalog includes academic literature, including peer-reviewed journal articles and books, as well as a broader slate of policy and advocacy reports, tools, and other resources.
The library is published as a public Zotero platform, which can be browsed by sub-folder or searched by content tags. Each entry includes citation information, a link to the source, and a summary of each resource and its contributions to the field.
The aim of this collection is not to be a definitive account of the field, but instead to be a fluid and growing repository of housing justice resources for all to use. To that end, we invite you to email our project team at [email protected] to recommend additional resources to add to the Housing Justice Library.
We thank our partners at the National Racial Equity Working Group for providing guidance through their resource library, which helped inform several additions to our catalog.