PROJECTHow the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Transforming State Budgets

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Transforming State Budgets

Last updated July 7, 2022

This page is no longer being updated. Please see Urban’s State Fiscal Briefs for updated budget, economic, and demographic information on all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting volatility have dramatically reshaped state economies and budgets. We collect health, economic, and fiscal data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia to show how each individual state has changed during this time.

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Additional Resources

  • The State and Local Finance Initiative Backgrounders provide more detail on the tax and spending issues mentioned in these briefs.
  • The State Fiscal Briefs break down each state’s budget, political makeup, and ongoing fiscal debates, providing context for the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The State Economic Monitor shows updated data and customized visualizations of state economic indicators.
  • The State Tax and Economic Review is the preeminent source of data and analysis on state tax collections.
  • "Using R Markdown to Track and Publish State Data," April 2021 (Data@Urban)
  • "What Do State Budget Officials Think About Taxes In The COVID-19 Era?" July 2021 (TaxVox)
  • "Are State Tax Cuts a Sign of Federal Aid Excess or Success?" July 2021 (TaxVox)
  • "Treasury Will Allow States to Take ARP Funds and Cut Taxes, With Some Guardrails," May 2021 (TaxVox)
  • "State GDP Data Confirm We’re in a Different Kind of Recession," October 2020 (Urban Wire)
  • "The Leisure and Hospitality Sector Has an Employment Crisis—and It Might Be Getting Worse," July 2020 (Urban Wire)

Please send your comments, feedback, or suggestions to [email protected].

Tags COVID-19 State and local finance
States All states