The stability of children’s housing is not only central in affecting children’s sense of security, but also is linked closely to the stability of children’s lives in other key domains. Below are selected materials that explore housing in the context of children and instability.
- Stabilizing Families in Supportive Housing
- Does Supportive Housing Keep Families Together?
- How Housing Matters for Families
- Family Residential Instability: What Can States and Localities Do?
- Evaluation of the Student and Family Stability Initiative
- Does Supportive Housing Benefit Families in the Child Welfare System?
- What Happens to Housing Assistance Leavers?
- Supportive Housing for High-Need Families in the Child Welfare System
- The Foreclosure Crisis and Children: A Three-City Study
- Family Mobility and Neighborhood Change: New Evidence and Implications for Community Initiatives
- Helping Families Involved in the Child Welfare System Achieve Housing Stability
- Where Kids Go: The Foreclosure Crisis and Mobility In Washington, D.C.
- The Impacts of Foreclosures on Families and Communities: A Primer
- Do Children Lose More than a Home? The Effects of Foreclosure on Children's Education Outcomes
- Housing and Schools: Working Together to Reduce the Negative Effects of Student Mobility
- Making Good on a Promise: Working to End Intergenerational Poverty in Kenilworth-Parkside
- Moving to Educational Opportunity: A Housing Demonstration to Improve School Outcomes
- Family Interventions for Youth Experiencing or at Risk of Homelessness
- Residential Instability and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Education Program: What We Know, Plus Gaps in Research
- Housing Assistance for Youth Who Have Aged Out of Foster Care: The Role of the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program
- Shelter from the storm: The role of housing in stabilizing children’s lives (Urban Wire Post)
- Using data to make a difference for Boston-area students at risk of homelessness (Urban Wire Post)
- Five reasons why educators should care about housing policy (and vice versa) (Urban Wire Post)
- Reduce poverty by improving housing stability (Urban Wire Post)
- Are families facing foreclosure becoming homeless? (Urban Wire Post)