Join the Urban Institute and the Jain Family Institute for an event exploring key insights on the child tax credit (CTC) and other cash-based policy derived from an expanded CTC outreach campaign in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event will begin with the perspectives of CTC beneficiaries reached by the campaign, and a discussion of the campaign’s strengths and challenges for CTC enrollment and impact will follow. A panel of experts will draw on participants’ stories to reflect on broader takeaways about the CTC and viable options for getting more cash to struggling American families.
- Mary Bogle, Principal Research Associate, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, Urban Institute
- Cheree Brown, Parent, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Fabiola Contreras, Parent, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Heyli Guerra, Parent, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Cynthia Jasso, Program Officer, George Kaiser Family Foundation
- Maria Elena Kuykendall, BEST Community Liaison, Community Service Council
- Elaine Maag, Senior Fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center
- Stephen Nuñez, Lead Researcher on Guaranteed Income, Jain Family Institute
- Brayan Rosa-Rodríguez, Senior Policy Analyst, UnidosUS
- Marcela Swenson, Executive Director, Tulsa Responds
- Fay Walker, Research Associate, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, Urban Institute

Support for this event is provided by the George Kaiser Family Foundation's Birth through Eight Strategy for Tulsa. For more information on the Urban Institute’s funding principles, go to
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