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Webinar: Using Opportunity Zones to Advance Community Priorities


The Opportunity Zone tax incentive is intended to encourage private investment in real estate and businesses in high-poverty or low-to-moderate-income neighborhoods. Whether the incentive delivers positive impact depends on where investments are made and how well they respond to local needs and priorities. But federal regulations governing the incentive allow for a broad range of uses and do not require that investments benefit residents. In response, local leaders are experimenting with innovative strategies to align investments with community priorities, and national partners are creating tools and resources to understand how investments could benefit or harm surrounding neighborhoods.

During this webinar, we will demonstrate how the Urban Institute’s new Opportunity Zone Community Impact Assessment Tool can help project sponsors, investors, policymakers, and community-based organizations assess whether projects in Opportunity Zones respond to community needs and priorities. We’ll also hear from leaders in Cleveland and Kansas City who are developing innovative strategies to spur investments in Opportunity Zones that advance community goals.


  • Tammy Buckner, Opportunity Zone Program Manager, WeGrowKC
  • Bradford Davy, Director of Regional Engagement, Fund for Our Economic Future
  • Solomon Greene, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
  • Brett Theodos, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute



Send any inquiries regarding this event to [email protected].


Date & Time Monday, January 27, 2020

  • Senior Fellow
  • Senior Fellow
    Community and Economic Development Practice Area Lead