Research Report Young Adults Living in Parents' Basements
Causes and Consequences
Jung Hyun Choi, Jun Zhu, Laurie Goodman
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This report finds that the share of young adults (ages 25–34) living with their parents increased from 12 to 22 percent between 2000 and 2017, adding 5.6 million more young adults living in parent’s home. The researchers examine the causes and consequences of this change and conclude that this could have a long-term negative impact because young adults who live at home longer are less likely to move out in the future. At the same time, these extended stays are not better positioning young adults to access homeownership, a critical source of future wealth building.

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports Research to Action
Expertise Wealth and Financial Well-Being Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Upward Mobility and Inequality Housing Finance Housing
Tags Asset and debts Housing and the economy Single-family finance Homeownership Financial products and services Inequality and mobility Finance