Research Report Who Would Gain Coverage under Medicaid Expansion in Georgia?
Michael Simpson, Ella Brett-Turner
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Under the Affordable Care Act, states have the option to expand Medicaid eligibility to nonelderly people with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. In Georgia, which has not expanded Medicaid, key stakeholders are considering adopting the policy. In an earlier report, Urban researchers estimated that full Medicaid expansion in Georgia would decrease uninsurance by 448,000 people in 2023. In this report, we expand those results to show the characteristics of uninsured people in Georgia with and without Medicaid expansion and the characteristics of those gaining coverage under expansion. We show results for eight areas: Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, and four rural regions (central, southern, western, and northern Georgia).

Overall, uninsurance in Georgia would fall by 4.7 percentage points, but uninsurance and coverage gains would vary by sociodemographic characteristics and geographic area. By area, the decrease in uninsurance would vary from more than 6 percentage points in two rural areas to fewer than 4 percentage points in the Atlanta area. Decreases by race and ethnicity show similar differences, whereas differences by age group, education, and the type of worker in a family vary even more. For example, uninsurance would decrease by more than 10 percentage points for adults ages 19 to 34 but by just more than 3 percentage points for those ages 55 to 64. Similarly, uninsurance would fall by more than 12 percentage points for people with less than a high school education but by less than 3 percentage points for those who have graduated college. Results by sex and family citizenship status are shown as well.

Research Areas Health and health care Social safety net
Tags Health equity Health insurance Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program  State health care reform
Policy Centers Health Policy Center
Research Methods Microsimulation modeling
States Georgia
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