Brief Who Benefits from President Trump's Child Care Proposals?
Lily Batchelder, Elaine Maag, Chye-Ching Huang, Emily Horton
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During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump proposed three new tax benefits related to child care – an expanded credit for low-income families, a deduction for higher income families, and a savings account. These proposals bring attention to the burden child care costs can place on low- and middle-income families. Our analysis finds that about 70 percent of benefits go to families with at least $100,000 and 25 percent of benefits go to families with at least $200,000. Very few benefits go to the lowest income families who are likely to struggle most with paying for child care.

Research and Evidence Tax and Income Supports Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Taxes and the Economy Early Childhood
Tags Individual taxes Campaigns, proposals, and reforms Kids in context Federal tax issues and reform proposals Children and youth