Fact Sheet What Policies and Programs Can Support an Inclusive Recovery in Rochester, New York?
Christina Plerhoples Stacy, Zach Boren, Becca Dedert, Wilton Oliver
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Reducing disparities and barriers to upward mobility is key to an inclusive recovery. Recent federal recovery funds present an exciting opportunity to implement innovative policies that will advance equity by sustainably addressing key disparities across multiple sectors. Research in cities across the U.S. demonstrates how policies like cash transfers, affordable housing trust funds, and apprenticeship programs can support an inclusive recovery while promoting stronger economies. Rochester, NY has already begun the process of allocating federal recovery dollars towards economic development, a Guaranteed Basic Income pilot, and community development and housing programs. Prioritizing proven best practices from the outset as the city begins planning implementation will be vital in crafting truly effective and equitable programs that will promote an inclusive recovery.

Research and Evidence Research to Action Housing and Communities Work, Education, and Labor Tax and Income Supports Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Community and Economic Development Upward Mobility and Inequality Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods Nonprofits and Philanthropy Social Safety Net Wealth and Financial Well-Being Workforce Development Early Childhood Urban Development and Planning
Tags Employment Welfare and safety net programs Housing affordability Labor force Wealth inequality Job training Mobility Land use and zoning Inequality and mobility Inclusive recovery Children and youth Land use