Brief What Do We Know About Housing Choice Voucher Program Location Outcomes?
Martha M. Galvez
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The Housing Choice Voucher Program serves nearly 2 million low-income households nationwide, the majority in urban areas.Thisliterature reviewexamines the empirical evidence on neighborhood location outcomes for voucher recipients, including research regarding housing and neighborhood preferences.Voucher holders live in most urban neighborhoods, and do not typically experience extremely high poverty rates. However, disparities by race persist, and the program is less effective than the LIHTC program in allowing poor households to reach low-poverty suburbs.Neighborhood quality is lower for nonwhite households compared to whites, but evidence suggests black households may benefit more from the voucher than whites.
Research and Evidence Housing and Communities Research to Action Race and Equity
Expertise Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Upward Mobility and Inequality Housing
Tags Federal housing programs and policies Housing vouchers and mobility Racial and ethnic disparities Housing markets Racial segregation Racial barriers to housing Public and assisted housing