Research Report Understanding the Challenges of Prisoner Reentry
Research Findings from the Urban Institute's Prisoner Reentry Portfolio
Amy L. Solomon, Christy Visher, Nancy G. La Vigne, Jenny Osborne
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In 2000, the Urban Institute (UI) launched an ongoing investment in prisoner reentry research to better understand the pathways of successful reintegration, the social and fiscal costs of current policies, and the impacts of incarceration and reentry on individuals, families, and communities. Over the past six years, this research portfolio has informed a broad set of policy and practice discussions about the challenges facing former prisoners. This document highlights UI's original research findings across several key dimensions of prisoner reentry. In addition, it points to recent and relevant reports published by UI that provide more in-depth research and related findings.
Research and Evidence Justice and Safety
Expertise Courts, Corrections, and Reentry
Tags Reentry