Research Report Tax Credits for Caregivers’ Out-of-Pocket Expenses and Respite Care Benefits: Design Considerations and Cost and Distributional Analyses
Melissa M. Favreault, Brenda C. Spillman
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We project the costs and distributional effects of alternative specifications of refundable income tax credits for family caregivers' out-of-pocket expenses and respite care benefits using the Urban Institute's Dynamic Simulation of Income Model. We ground our projections in estimates from the National Study of Caregiving calibrated to other sources to address measurement challenges and data limitations. Because the future is uncertain and projections are sensitive to assumptions, we show intermediate, high-, and low-cost alternatives for each policy. The respite care benefit's effects are progressive given high disability prevalence among those with lower incomes. The tax credit's effects are more proportional.
Research and Evidence Health Policy Tax and Income Supports Technology and Data
Expertise Microsimulation Modeling Aging and Retirement
Research Methods Dynamic Simulation of Income Model 4 (DYNASIM4)
Tags Retirement policy