Research Report Tackling Food Insecurity: Bringing Data to Communities
Eona Harrison, Brandi Gilbert, Susan J. Popkin, Elaine Waxman
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This report is part of a project exploring strategies for addressing food insecurity at its roots by identifying the interconnected factors that contribute to it. We first examined the levels of food insecurity among adults and children in counties across the country, as well as measures of physical health, housing, income, and other contributing factors. Then, using a research approach called a Data Walk, we brought those data to residents and stakeholders in six communities to hear what they found useful and whether and how these data resonated with their experiences. These insights helped paint a more complete picture of the contributors to food insecurity in communities, and that picture can help policymakers, service providers, and community leaders understand where to intervene.

The report details community insights and provides recommendations for building on existing programming to tackle food insecurity. These opportunities for action and investment are using data to build evidence of community challenges, including more voices at the table, and fostering collaborative efforts.

Research and Evidence Health Policy Housing and Communities Work, Education, and Labor
Expertise Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods Social Safety Net Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships
Tags Employment and education Job opportunities Beyond high school: education and training Finance