Brief State-by-State Estimates of the Coverage and Funding Consequences of Full Repeal of the ACA
Linda J. Blumberg, Matthew Buettgens, John Holahan, Clare Wang Pan
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Updated with map on 7/9/19

This analysis provides information on some of the consequences should a case pending before the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit be decided in favor of the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs argue that the entire Affordable Care Act be eliminated due to the fact that the individual mandate penalties were set to $0 beginning with plan year 2019. We estimate the state-by-state implications of full ACA repeal for insurance coverage and government funding of health care in 2019. Our estimates take into account 2019 marketplace enrollment and premiums as well as recent Medicaid data.

US map of estimated percent increase in uninsured under finding for plaintiffs

Research and Evidence Health Policy
Expertise Health Care Reform
Tags Federal health care reform