Fact Sheet Starting a Small-Dollar Loan Program for Your Employees
Caleb Quakenbush, Heather Hahn, Signe-Mary McKernan, Susan Sarver
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An employer-sponsored small-dollar loan (ESSDL) can make a big difference in the lives of employees who lack access to affordable credit. As a low-cost, highly valued employee benefit, small-dollar loans may also meet important needs for companies. This checklist is designed to help employers understand the choices and trade-offs among different employer-based loan programs. For a more detailed report, see: Employer-Sponsored Small-Dollar Loans: A Survey of Products and Employers (Urban Institute, December 2020).

Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being Work, Education, and Labor Tax and Income Supports
Expertise Wealth and Financial Well-Being Labor Markets
Tags Workplace and industry studies Asset and debts Financial products and services