Research Report Stabilizing Children’s Lives
Insights for Research and Action
Gina Adams, Mary Bogle, Julia B. Isaacs, Heather Sandstrom, Lisa Dubay, Julia Gelatt, Michael Katz
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In recent years, the importance of stability in promoting children’s heathy development and well-being has emerged as a critical area of concern. However, there remains much we need to learn about instability in the lives of children: why it happens, who it affects and how, and what can be done about it. Based on interviews with leading experts and a quick scan of this field, this brief describes what we know about some of those questions and what information is still needed to help families, communities, and public/private institutions stabilize children’s lives and promote their healthy development.

Research and Evidence Health Policy Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Families Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods Social Safety Net Wealth and Financial Well-Being Early Childhood
Tags Kids in context Children and youth