Research Report Scenarios for Regional Growth from 2010 to 2030
Mapping America’s Futures, Brief 1
Rolf Pendall, Steven Martin, Nan Marie Astone, Austin Nichols, Kaitlin Franks, Allison Stolte, H. Elizabeth Peters
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National population projections from the Census Bureau foresee growth of nearly 49 million people between 2010 and 2030. We explore where in the United States that growth could occur using scenarios from Urban Institute’s new “Mapping America’s Futures: Population” tool. The scenarios provide food for thought about how birth, mortality, and migration might play out differently across the nation. All three of these fundamental demographic drivers will affect a region’s future age structure, labor force composition, and diversity. Conversely, a region’s age structure, labor force composition, and diversity today will affect birth, death, and migration in the future.
Research and Evidence Housing and Communities Tax and Income Supports Race and Equity Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods Aging and Retirement Early Childhood Immigration
Tags Immigrant communities and racial equity Children and youth