Brief Saying Good-Bye
Relocating Senior Citizens in the HOPE VI Panel Study
Robin E. Smith, Kadija Ferryman
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Under the HOPE VI program, many of the most distressed public housing developments in the nation have been demolished or substantially renovated, and the program had the challenge of successfully relocating vulnerable seniors in these developments. The question of how seniors handle relocation is an important one, and prior evidence suggests poor outcomes when older adults are involuntarily moved. This brief describes the relocation experiences of older adults in light of their special circumstances, particularly health, social support and social mobility. Findings are based on survey and interview information gathered from older adults in HOPE VI developments in five cities (Atlantic City, NJ; Chicago, IL; Durham, NC; Richmond, CA; and Washington, D.C.).
Research Areas Families Housing
Tags Federal housing programs and policies Housing vouchers and mobility Family structure Retirement policy Public and assisted housing
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center