Research Report Reincarcerated: The Experiences of Men Returning to Massachusetts Prisons
Lisa E. Brooks, Amy L. Solomon, Rhiana Kohl, Jenny Osborne, Jay Reid, Susan M. McDonald, Hollie Matthews Hoover
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The Massachusetts Recidivism Study aims to better understand the experiences of recidivists and how their previous incarceration and time in the community relate to their returns to prison. This report presents findings from interviews with male prisoners returned to the DOC within three years of release. The report describes respondents' incarceration experiences, preparation for reentry, and life in the community, as well as criminal offending and the circumstances leading up to their reincarceration. We also examine the role of parole supervision in prisoner reentry and the connection between technical parole violations and underlying criminal behavior.
Research and Evidence Justice and Safety
Expertise Courts, Corrections, and Reentry
Tags Corrections Mass incarceration