Brief Reforming Federal Student Loan Repayment: A Single, Automatic, Income-Driven System
Sandy Baum, Matthew Chingos
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The federal role in higher education has grown over the past two decades, and now a new administration has the opportunity to strengthen policies that support students and their colleges and universities. To help inform these decisions, the Urban Institute convened a bipartisan group of scholars and policy advisers to write a series of memos highlighting some of the most critical issues in higher education and recommending policy solutions. This memo proposes a new system of income-driven loan repayment designed to address some of the problems with the current repayment options.

To read all of the memos, click here.

This memo was updated on January 10, 2018. A legend and note were added to figure 1 for clarity.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor
Expertise Higher Education
Tags Higher education