Research Report Realizing Employment Goals for Youth through Digital Badges: Lessons and Opportunities from Workforce Development
Shayne Spaulding, Martha C. Johnson
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Low-income youth and youth of color face challenges in the labor market, including persistent discrimination, disconnection from school and work, and difficult-to-navigate credentialing options. At the same time, employers report difficulty identifying qualified entry-level candidates. Digital badges—credentials that can be shared online and contain documentation of learning—offer a potential solution to this disconnect by better communicating the skills youth attain and employers value. The use of digital badges to realize youth workforce goals has been limited. We draw lessons for digital badging from workforce development research and identify opportunities for badges to support youth workforce outcomes.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Transition-Age Young People Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships Early Childhood
Tags Employment Higher education Employment and education Job training Youth employment and training Beyond high school: education and training Technology and future of learning and training Youth development Building America’s Workforce Children and youth