Brief Rapid Re-Housing in High Cost Markets
What Do Programs Look Like?
Samantha Batko, Sarah Gillespie, Amanda Gold
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Rapid re-housing has become a large component of the response to homelessness in communities across the country. To date, no studies have found anything conclusive on variations in outcomes resulting from differences in program implementation or housing market characteristics. As part of an evaluation Urban is conducting for Hamilton Families, a homeless service provider in San Francisco, we conducted a scan of rapid re-housing programs for families in four other high-cost markets: Boston, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Washington, DC. The goal of this scan was to collect information on how the programs measure and set performance benchmarks, deliver core services, collaborate regionally, and follow up with families after exit.

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities
Expertise Families Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Preventing and Ending Homelessness
Tags Homelessness