Research Report Prison Inmates' Prerelease Application for Medicaid
Take-up Rates in Oregon
Kamala Mallik-Kane, Akiva Liberman, Lisa Dubay, Jesse Jannetta
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Once inmates are released from prison, untreated health issues such as mental illness and substance abuse can contribute to a cycle of reoffending. Released inmates are typically low income and have high health care needs, but have been ineligible for Medicaid until its recent expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

In Oregon, a Medicaid program that existed before the ACA allowed otherwise ineligible inmates to apply for coverage after their release. National efforts to increase enrollment after inmates are released could lead to greater coverage and improved public health and safety. But did Medicaid eligibility effectively increase coverage in Oregon?

Key findings

  • A sizeable share of inmates were interested in Medicaid coverage. Those who registered for the application process were more likely to need mental health or substance abuse treatment than those who did not register. Registrants were also more likely to be female and white.
  • Inmates who were invited to apply submitted applications at a rate similar to the general population. Whether or not they chose to apply depended heavily on the timing of their invitation. Those who were invited after release were less likely to apply.
  • Inmates were significantly less likely to be denied coverage than the general population. Inmates are more likely to be poor and to meet the income and resource limits. Those who were denied were usually denied for missing the deadline or because they were still in prison when their application was reviewed.

Key numbers

  • Eighteen percent of inmates registered for the state’s Medicaid lottery during their final six months in prison. Sixteen percent registered during the six months after release.
  • Fifty-eight percent of prerelease and 55 percent of postrelease registrants needed mental health or substance abuse treatment.
  • Thirty-three percent of invited inmates obtained coverage compared with 25 percent of the general population.
  • Forty-one percent of invited inmates applied for Medicaid; 79 percent of them were found eligible and granted coverage.
Research and Evidence Justice and Safety Health Policy
Expertise Health Care Coverage, Access, and Affordability Medicare and Medicaid Courts, Corrections, and Reentry
Tags Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program  Corrections Health insurance