Research Report Pretesting a Human Trafficking Screening Tool in the Child Welfare and Runaway and Homeless Youth Systems
Meredith Dank, Jennifer Yahner, Lilly Yu, Carla Vasquez-Noriega, Julia Gelatt, Michael Pergamit
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This report describes the pretesting of a Human Trafficking Screening Tool (HTST) for identifying youth with trafficking experiences. The tool was built based on a comprehensive review of current tools, developed with feedback from a youth advisory council, and pretested with 617 youth respondents involved in the child welfare and runaway and homeless youth systems. Responses to the HTST were correlated with several known risk factors and outcomes associated with trafficking victimization, pointing to the effectiveness of the tool, though additional testing is needed.

Research Areas Crime, justice, and safety Children and youth
Tags Human trafficking Kids in context Youth development
Policy Centers Justice Policy Center