Brief Practices to Increase Employer Adoption of Inclusive Apprenticeship
Karen Gardiner
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The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) seeks to expand registered apprenticeships to new industries and occupations where apprenticeship is not widely used, such as healthcare and information technology (IT), as well as to populations typically underrepresented in apprenticeship, including people with disabilities. Specifically, DOL set a goal that at least 7 percent of participants in covered Registered Apprenticeship programs be qualified people with disabilities. Reaching DOL’s goal requires designing and implementing apprenticeship programs that are inclusive of people with disabilities. This brief identifies practices that can improve employer adoption of inclusive apprenticeship.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Technology and Data
Expertise Apprenticeships Labor Markets
Research Methods Data collection Qualitative data analysis
Tags Apprenticeships Disabilities and employment Disability equity policy
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