Brief Pay Data Reporting to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Zach Boren, Steven Brown, Molly M. Scott, Madeleine Sirois, Sarah Crawford
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Urban Institute researchers conducted exploratory research to better understand employers’ experiences in reporting pay data to the EEOC. In 2019‒20, the EEOC collected pay data from a large majority of reporting establishments, but the interrupted process of the data collection presented unique challenges in compiling and reporting pay data. This brief examines the processes employers undertook to assemble pay data and identifies ways the EEOC and other partner organizations could make the process more transparent and streamlined, should the EEOC decide to move forward with a new pay data collection.

Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being Work, Education, and Labor Research to Action Race and Equity
Expertise Upward Mobility and Inequality Higher Education Labor Markets
Research Methods Quantitative data analysis
Tags Employment and income data Inequality and mobility Racial inequities in employment Wages and economic mobility Building America’s Workforce