Research Report Partnering to Meet the Child Care Needs of Parents in Education and Training: Four Profiles of Collaboration
Teresa Derrick-Mills, Caroline Heller, Gina Adams
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Child care can be a major challenge for low-income parents who want to participate in education or training to improve their employment prospects and future earnings. One promising solution is to develop collaborations between those who provide education and training services to families and those involved in meeting their child care needs. This report profiles four innovative collaborations working to bridge this gap and provides useful insights into how organizations can support the needs of two generations as parents strive to improve their ability to provide for their families.
Research Areas Education Families Social safety net Children and youth Workforce
Tags Higher education Workforce development Welfare and safety net programs Economic well-being Child care Early childhood education Beyond high school: education and training Kids in context Child care and workers Child care and early childhood education
Policy Centers Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population