Research Report A New Public-Private Partnership: Catastrophic Public and Front-End Private LTC Insurance
Marc Cohen, Judith Feder, Melissa M. Favreault
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Current U.S. policy toward the financing of long-term services and supports (LTSS) underserves people who need care, overburdens families who care for them, and strains state budgets supporting Medicaid services when personal resources fall short. The fundamental LTSS financing problem is the absence of an effective insurance mechanism to protect people against the costs of extensive LTSS they may require over their lives. Building on the direction of recent bipartisan recommendations, we developed and analyzed a proposal to combine public catastrophic insurance (protection after a waiting period) with gap-filling private LTSS insurance to promote comprehensive protection, focused on middle-income people. 

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Research and Evidence Health Policy Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports
Expertise Families Taxes and the Economy Aging and Retirement
Tags Economic well-being Long-term services and support Family care and support Retirement policy