Research Report Life After Lockup: Improving Reentry from Jail to the Community
Amy L. Solomon, Jenny Osborne, Stefan F. LoBuglio, Jeff Mellow, Debbie Mukamal
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Each year, US jails process an estimated 12 million admissions and releases. Substance addiction, job and housing instability, mental illness, and health problems are daily realities for a significant share of this population. Given that more than 80 percent of inmates are incarcerated for less than a month, jails have little time or capacity to address these deep-rooted and often overlapping issues. Life After Lockup synthesizes key findings from the Jail Reentry Roundtable and examines opportunities on the jail-to-community continuum where reentry-focused interventions can make a difference.

Research and Evidence Justice and Safety
Expertise Victim Safety and Justice Justice Systems Data and Analytics Courts, Corrections, and Reentry
Tags Corrections Crime and justice analytics Reentry