Research Report The Launch of the Affordable Care Act in Selected States: Insurer Participation, Competition, and Premiums
John Holahan, Rebecca Peters, Kevin Lucia
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This brief provides considerable data on insurer participation and premiums in several markets in 8 study states. The brief concludes that plan participation is less a function of whether states have state-based (SBM) or federally-facilitated (FFM) health insurance marketplaces and more a function of the pre-Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurance market, as well as the managed competition framework in the ACA. In both SBM and FFM states there are a large number of participants in most markets, including large and small commercial insurers and some new entrants such as Medicaid plans and Co-Ops. In most markets, premiums are lower than expected, although in markets with few plans and little competition, the ACA has had much less impact.
Research Areas Economic mobility and inequality Health and health care Taxes and budgets
Tags Fiscal policy Health insurance State and local tax issues Affordable Care Act
Policy Centers Health Policy Center