Research Report Investing Together: Emerging Approaches in Collaborative Place-Based Impact Investing
Shena Ashley, Joycelyn Ovalle
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Collaborative placed-based impact investing, an emergent phenomenon in philanthropy, is a product of collective impact, place-based philanthropy, and impact investing. Through these collective efforts, foundations, other organizations, and individuals form partnerships as a component of their local impact investing activities.

Although collaborative place-based impact investing can create more inclusive local economies, this work involves complicated trade-offs and considerations. In this report, we identify and classify collaborative efforts that are taking shape, to understand the complexities of this burgeoning field.

We shine a light on this practice so others can learn from the different forms, experiences, and considerations of their philanthropy peers. This report provides a baseline to reflect upon as philanthropy continues to tweak and develop these practices.

Research and Evidence Research to Action
Expertise Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Tags Impact investing