Brief Improving Outcomes for Boys and Young Men of Color
Ronald F. Ferguson, Margaret Simms
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Boys and young men of color, on average, lag behind their peers on preschool skills by age 2 and never catch up academically. When these students struggle in school, it is often because of problems with person-environment fit. The quality of the fit depends on how well students can assume the roles that teachers, counselors, and administrators expect of them; how willing and able those educators are to adapt to student needs; and whether peer influences conflict with academic requirements. This factsheet summarizes strategies to achieve a person-environment fit that can lead to better educational outcomes for boys and young men of color.
Research Areas Education Children and youth Families Race and equity
Tags Racial and ethnic disparities K-12 education Parenting Schooling Kids in context Racial equity in education
Policy Centers Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population