Brief The Impact of Proposed 2018 Changes to Key Safety Net Programs on Family Resources
Elaine Waxman, Linda Giannarelli
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The administration’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposal includes specific changes in five safety net programs and a general cut in nondefense discretionary spending that could affect other programs. This analysis estimates the potential family-level impacts of those changes by applying a comprehensive microsimulation model to Current Population Survey data, with adjustments to have the data better represent the population and economy in 2018. We find that about one in five families are affected, losing an average of $1,230 in annual resources. Almost 2.9 million families are estimated to lose at least $2,500 in annual resources.

Research Areas Wealth and financial well-being Social safety net Children and youth
Tags Families with low incomes Poverty Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Welfare and safety net programs Wealth inequality Housing subsidies Supplemental nutrition - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Inequality and mobility Kids in context From Safety Net to Solid Ground Hunger and food assistance
Policy Centers Income and Benefits Policy Center