Brief The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recent Federal Policies on Small Business Health Insurance
Views from the Market
Sabrina Corlette, Erik Wengle, Megan Houston, Tyler Thomas
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This brief examines the effect the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the small group insurance market. Researchers conducted structured discussions with insurers, small businesses, and brokers in six states to assess the impact the pandemic has had on the small group market and any changes to coverage during the pandemic. Despite being some of the hardest hit employers, small employers did all they could to maintain their health plans. Small employers we spoke with view health coverage as a necessary recruitment and staff retention tool and so were hesitant to cut benefits. However, the small group market as a whole rests on a shaky foundation as employers look to cut costs and pursue non-aca compliant coverage options.

Research and Evidence Health Policy Housing and Communities
Expertise Health Care Coverage, Access, and Affordability Community and Economic Development
Tags Health insurance Private insurance