Fact Sheet Imagining the Future of Postsecondary Education
Delivering on the Promise of Good Careers for All
Shayne Spaulding, Ryan Kelsey, Molly M. Scott
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The Urban Institute hosted a two-day workshop in June 2023 to reimagine the future of postsecondary education so everyone can access a high-quality and affordable education that prepares them for good jobs. Workshop participants included representatives from education, government, research, philanthropy, and business. Together they worked to generate ideas for imagining a more equitable future through postsecondary education, including how to support learners at all points on their education journey through two-generation strategies, robust navigation, effective use of technology, development of a skills infrastructure, and cross-cutting investments to close racial wealth gaps.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Research to Action
Expertise Upward Mobility and Inequality K-12 Education Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships
Tags Beyond high school: education and training Community colleges Employer engagement Employment Employment and education Inequality and mobility Job markets and labor force Job search and matching Job opportunities Job training Postsecondary education and training Student parents Building America’s Workforce
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